Whether you are experiencing insomnia or anxiety, persistent tiredness or muscle pain, alternative treatments can help with a number of complaints. Using the most trusted historic traditions, combined with innovative research into the success of non-intrusive methods, alternative treatments are paving the way for individuals looking to nurture their health without the use of pharmaceutical medicines.
Taking a natural approach to wellbeing, whilst aiming to promote the balance between the body’s various systems and the brain’s health, alternative remedies are a brilliant choice for those in search of sustainable solutions without side effects.
Some of our popular alternative treatments include dry floats, a warming and relaxing treatment working to relieve bodily and mental tension, reflexology, which uses ancient insight to work on the body’s pressure points for a head-to-toe re-energised feeling, and shiatsu, a pressure point massage using thumb, finger and palm techniques to correct the flow of energy through the body.
These innovative treatments can reduce pain, rid the body of tension and dispel fatigue, leaving you feeling rejuvenated from the inside out.