Health, Fitness & Nutrition with Champneys

Focusing on your health and fitness goals, our collection of services have been designed to incorporate wellbeing into your everyday routines

Whether you’re new to exercise or a seasoned gym bunny, looking to improve health or shake up your outlook – our evaluations, consultations and classes will leave you feeling fitter, more energised and inspired to make positive lifestyle change.

Escape your limits

Health & fitness classes
With access to a number of activities including Aqua Fit, Body Sculpt, Champ Ride, Yoga and Fitness Pilates there really is something for everyone.
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Personal training
Your personal training session isn’t just about lifting weights or running on a treadmill—it’s about discovering what your body is truly capable of. 
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Dietary advice
Gain insight to intolerances and bespoke dietary advice.
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Health & fitness consultations
Deciding on which wellness path is right for you can be overwhelming. That's where we come in.
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Our talks at Champneys cover wellness, nutrition, fitness, and mindfulness.
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